
A perfect relationship is all about never giving up on each other

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12 Pillars Of Relationship

Every person on earth wants to lead a happy and joyful life. Relationship plays major role in their pursuit of happiness. There are so many article about relationship, giving tips on how to make relationship successful, beautiful, healthy, happy and so on so forth. But most of the time these tips are not as effective…

Appreciation: Token Of Love

Are you the ultimate romantic and have spent all your life wondering what love will bring?. However now that you are with your perfect soulmate, in deep love with each other, but somehow that feeling of ultimate bliss that love was supposed to bring is not present. You wonder why is it happening to you?…


“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Fairest of Them All?”. The queen asked this question and mirror gave the correct answer. That was a magical world. The real world is different and far more complex. If the question was to locate a single person “who is true to himself and does not pretend to be somebody else”,…


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